Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We Are Family...

The last two weekends have been fun ones for our family. Two weekends ago was Clayton's 7th birthday. (6-17) We celebrated with a trip to Six Flags in St. Louis with Lori's mom. Tanner, a family friend also tagged along with us. (That is him in the back of the second photo). Clayton and grandma had worked this trip out months ago to celebrate their birthdays together. Grandma Helen's birthday is June 7. Despite the extremely hot weather, we had a fun time. We also enjoyed a yummy meal at the Cheesecake Factory, a trip to Build-A-Bear, and a visit to Ted Drew's for some frozen custard. We made some wonderful memories and laughed a lot. The favorite ride was the mine train. It is a small scale roller coaster, but tons of fun. Clayton is our adventurous child and rode most rides that his height would allow him to ride. The ride that we laughed on the most was Thunder River. We all got off of that ride soaked. No one was complaining though. It felt so good in the 100 plus degree temps.

This weekend we travelled to the Kettelkamp family reunion. The reunion is something that our kiddos love to attend. We stayed with Alan's parents and had a cookout on Saturday evening complete with homemade hand cranked vanilla ice cream. There is nothing better! The kids each took turns cranking the ice cream in Grandma and Grandpa's basement. It was a lot of work, but boy was it good.

On Sunday we met up with cousins, aunts and uncles for a huge potluck meal at the small country church where Alan attended as a boy. Usually after eating the large meal, a game of softball takes place. This didn't happen this year however due to the downpour that occurred that afternoon. Alan, the kids and I were introduced to a game called "hillbilly golf". I know that it sounds fatuous, but it was fun to play. Otherwise, we caught up with relatives that in some cases we only see once a year.

Prior to the reunion, Alan, the kids and I were talking about how exciting it was going to be for us next year because we would be attending the family reunion with our new brother. Oh how things are going to change in the next couple of months. We can't wait!!

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