Friday, July 20, 2007

August Rush Trailer (2007)

A fellow AOH mom, Jocelyn posted this trailer on her blog page. It made me cry. In this movie, which I believe comes out in October, 11 year old August uses his musical talent to locate the parents who gave him up for adoption at birth. One of the lines in the trailer that impacted me as stated by the mother in the film:

I know it sounds crazy. I hear him, I swear I can hear him.

I know that it does sound crazy, but there are times that I swear that I can hear Kenneth. Okay, so those of you who know me are probably saying, "I knew she was nuts. This just confirms it!" It is something that I feel in the deepest part of me. Any time I'm away from my children, there is always still that connection, that part of me that still feels their presence no matter how far away they are. I know that I will probably always feel that even when they are gone and living their own lives.

Another line in the trailer that I loved was when "August" shares:

Somewhere inside I knew they always wanted me.

I hope Kenneth knows how much we want him. I can't wait to tell and show him just how much. Maybe someday Kenneth will make that statement!

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