Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Doctor, The Dentist and Bikes...Oh My!

Here is the latest from the Kettelkamp's. Jay is adjusting well considering all that he's had to adjust to. I try to put myself in his place and imagine what it would feel like to be a seven year old and have my world completely turned upside down, and I can't. Everything and everyone is new to him. He is a tough boy and when that toughness wears out he lets down. Every couple of days he will shut down or get terribly sad or mad and have a good cry, then he'll feel better. We are learning his triggers and can try to be proactive when those moments hit him.

He is quite affectionate. He loves giving hugs, hand holding, and back rubs. Go figure! :o) I've had the honor of hearing "I love you" twice from him. Considering the fact that daddy is gone during the week, he and Jay are close. He loves to watch llini football with him. It is so funny to hear him yell at the T.V. just like daddy. I need to get it on video.

He has had his first trip to the pediatrician. That went well. He had a very bad bilateral ear infection which was treated with an antibiotic. We started his immunizations and he had some blood work done and stool and urine tests done. With the exception of some liver and pancreas levels off a bit because of malnutrition, everything else came back fine

He has been to the dentist three times in the last three weeks. His teeth were really bad. He had to have two cleanings and a root canal. When I took him for the root canal, I tried to explain as best as I could what was going to happen. When we arrived at the appointment he was as happy as he could be. When he came out into the waiting room after it was over, he looked at me as if to say, "What in the world did you just have done to me?" Poor little guy handled it great though. Better than I would have. He did have major decay and infection in that tooth so he is back on antibiotics again and we go back to the dentist again next week for a permanent filling.

He and his brothers and sister are getting along great. He has really latched on to Christopher and Chris is so good with him and very patient. He and Clay love to play together with Bear. Jay and Sophia are best friends one minute and worst enemies the next. It's like they've been siblings since the beginning.

Jay loves to be outside and his favorite place to be is on his bike. He is currently riding with training wheels, but I think we will be able to take them off soon. He quickly learned how far he could ride before he needed to turn around and for the most part he remembers to stay out of the street. Last week while we were at the park with some friends, Jay saw all of the bikes lined up in the bike racks and immediately ran over to them to pick one and ride. It took a little convincing on Chris' part to let him know that those bikes were not for us to ride. They belonged to other people who probably wouldn't be too happy with us for taking them.

Jay started school today. He has a wonderful first grade teacher with two adult helpers in the classroom. He will be pulled out of the classroom for language and other academic help. Everyone at the school is very kind and helpful. We are praying that the whole school experience is a good one for him.

Jay is such a blessing to our family. He just seems to fit. It is like he has been a part of us forever. I can't say enough that, even though the wait was long and difficult at times how it was so worth it.


Anonymous said...

That's so encouraging to hear! I'm glad he's adjusting well! I still can't wait to meet him. Maybe we can come for a visit when we go on Christmas break for school? I don't want to overwhelm him anymore than he already is, though! I do miss the Kettelkamps a lot! Hope you are well too. Are you adjusting okay to having 4 kids now?!

S and K said...

Such a wonderful, encouraging update!
He looks sooo happy!
Many blessings to you all.

Jocelyn said...

I would love to talk to you...it seems Jay and Isaac are lined up in what's happening to them in their lives, Email me and I'll give you my number or you could send me your number and I'll call you.

Hope to hear from you soon,



Ginger said...

I remember all those dentist visits!! Oh my! With three little Liberians, we were going to the dentist every week for months! It is so much harder with a toddler!
Whew, I am glad to be done with that for another year.

Blessings to your family!