Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Family Fun!!

Jay and Chris on Jay's first day of school.
Jay and Sophia swinging in a hammock that we purchased in Liberia. It's been the best souvenir that we brought home from Africa.
Sophia, Daddy, and Jay carving pumpkins.
Clayton with his masterpiece.
Jay in his shades. How cool is he!?!

Things are going well but busy. Jay is doing well in school. He is learning new words daily. His melt downs are not as frequent and when they do happen they are much easier to deal with. Sophia has been struggling with some jealousy issues, but were working on that too. This whole process is a "learn as you go" journey. It seems like I just get something figured out, and something new is thrown at me. Right now my motto is "one day at at time". Some days it's "one hour at a time". The biggest adjustment for me has been remembering everything. I'm having a difficult time keeping doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, and all of our school activities straight. And that is with them all being written down. I'm usually on top of all of that.

The kids are looking forward to going trick or treating tomorrow night. Chris is Darth Vader, Jay is Buzz Lightyear, Clay is a red Power Ranger, and Sophia is a pink Power Ranger. The weather here is going to be nice, so it should be a fun sugar filled evening.

Jay's birthday is Thursday. We are going to have a party on Saturday evening. He has a couple of big days ahead of him. Speaking of big days, in 9 days we are leaving on a much needed family trip to Florida to see our good friend Mickey Mouse and his pals. The kids are over the top excited about this trip. Jay has no idea what is in store for him at Disney World. We're doing our best to prepare him. I've even contacted Disney about Jay and have put in a request for "something special" for him. My contact told me that they would see what they could do. I have no idea what it will be, so I guess we will all be surprised!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like so much fun!! I hope Jay loves Disney! I can't wait to see pictures! Keep them coming!

Glad to hear the family is adjusting well. Keep us posted...


Jocelyn said...

I'm so happy that things are going well...I too have a hard time remembering stuff...but it comes and goes...I really am going to call you...I promise.

Have a great vacation.



Ginger said...

We had some pretty intense jealousy in the beginning too! My two firstborns (one bio, one Liberian) get along great now (6 mos. post).
You think it's getting better now, but you'll look back and think "it's just now getting easier!" 6 mos has marked our "this feels normal now" stage. You have so much to look forward to!

Unknown said...

What a cool spider pumpkin!

Donna Barber said...

I am so glad to see Jay settling into his wonderful home. After watching Jay go from the streets, to the living in a hospital, to living in the orphanage... Well to see him so happy with a family is just great. I hope he keeps his spunkyness that kept him going in Liberia.Best wishes to your family.