Monday, August 13, 2007


Wow, what a week we had. My sister, Staci and her 5 kiddos were visiting us from Virginia. We went to the water park, swam at our neighborhood pool, watched movies, rode bikes, played at the park, ate until we hurt and laughed a lot. I love it when we are all together. When we are together there are 8 cousins ages 11 to 12 months!! I only get to see my sister 2 to 3 times a year, so when we are together we make the most of it. We probably won't see them again until Christmastime. Hopefully by then Kenneth will be here to meet them.

In regards to our adoption, Alan and I have set up a web site called the $1 adoption. The link is It works like this...if each person who reads the link donates $1 toward our adoption fees, when 9,000 people have donated, we will have Kenneth's fees completely paid off! The key is to keep it in circulation... meaning that when you see the site forward it on to all of the people on your e-mail list and ask them to forward it on to all of the people in their e-mail list and so on. Our prayer is that this can reach all the way around the world with your help! We are excited to see what God does with this.

In the near future I will post a donation thermometer so you can track our progress. We thank you in advance for your generosity and your prayers. It means the world to us.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

What sweet summer pictures!!! Love it!

Love ya,