Friday, September 28, 2007

Guest House Photos

Here are some photos that we took while we were at the guest house. It's hard to believe that we were just there last week. Jay is adjusting well. He's had a few meltdown/shut me out moments, but those are totally expected and we get through them. He is exceptionally sweet and equally as stubborn. His Liberian bullheadedness definitely comes through. As frustrating as it can be at times, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

His brothers and sister are doing great with him. They all love playing together, especially him and Sophia. (She's our 5 year old). They giggle often and keep each other quite busy.

Jay's favorite place to be is outside on a bike or a scooter. He could ride for hours. I think that we might have to plan an extended bike trip sometime soon.

Where we slept.
A guard outside of the guest house.
The day that it rained non-stop. This is the wall around the guest house with razor wire on top. The small building had chickens with baby chicks that hatched while we were there.
Jay relaxing on the couch at the guest house.
Playing a little football.

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