Tuesday, September 4, 2007

9 Days To Go...

As I type these words, I still have a difficult time wrapping my brain around the fact that we are leaving in 9 days. I still have tons to do. I know it will all get done, it just seems like a lot right now.

The kids started school today. They were only there until noon, but all three of them said that they had a great day, liked their teachers, and enjoyed seeing their friends again. Sophia started kindergarten today, so that means for the first time in 11 years I have no children at home during the day. I have to admit that I shed a few tears on the way out of the school building this morning.
When Chris and Clay started kindergarten, I decided that it would be a good time to write them a letter that will encourage them as they begin their school years. I still need to write Sophia's. Here is the letter that I gave to Clayton last year as he ventured off into the "real world". On occasion I like to pull their letters out and share it with them.
September 10, 2006

Dear Clayton,
I can’t believe that you are in Kindergarten. Time has flown by so fast for me. I can still remember June 17, 2000, like it was yesterday. It felt like you came into this world so fast. In reality, you didn’t. But when I saw you for the first time and held you in my arms, you stole my heart. Your sweet little eyes looked at me as if to say, “I know that you are my mommy”. I fell in love instantly. You were so tiny with soft blond hair and a sweet little face. I knew right then and there that you would be someone wonderful. Ever since that instant I’ve enjoyed every moment of watching you become the special little boy that you are.
You are so full of energy and your enthusiasm for life is contagious. There is not much in this world that scares you. With the exception of bad dreams, of course. You love trying new things and making others smile with your sense of humor. Simply watching you move puts a smile on my face. After seeing you grow into the little boy that you are, it is time for a new phase of your life to begin…the school years.
These years are going to be full of so many exciting times for you. So many things will change and so many challenges will be placed in front of you. There will be times when you will have some tough decisions to make. From “should I drink white milk or chocolate milk today” to “I wonder what college I should attend” and everything in between.
I want you to understand that no matter what choices you make and no matter whether you succeed or fail, I will always love you. There is nothing you could do that would make me love you less. My love for you does nothing but grow daily.
There will be times in your life when you will feel lonely and scared and wonder if anyone out there is on your side. Always know that no matter what you go through in life, I am here. If you fail a test, I am here. If your best friend says that he hates you, I am here. If you don’t make the team, I am here. If you lose the game, I am here. If she laughs at you, I am here. If you are the last one chosen, I am here. If you say the wrong line, I am here. Through the highs and lows of what you will go through, I am always here. I am always going to be your cheerleader and your encourager.
As you grow into a godly young man remember these three things: 1. God loves you more than you will ever know. 2. Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know. 3. Continue to pray and make your relationship with God a priority. I know that no matter what you decide to do in life, you will be successful. God has some big plans for you and I consider it a blessing that he has given me the opportunity to see how He works in your life.
Accept the challenges in life with enthusiasm and the success in life with humility. You and God are about to do something amazing. I’ m glad that I get to be part of the journey.



Just A Family said...

Come on you made me cry>>>(:
I have a letter that sounds very close to that for each of my kids..

Praying for you and your family,

Brandi said...

How sweet are you?! Oh, and, 9 days?????!!!!!! Freaking out with you! Can't believe it!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Seriously, it almost makes me cry thinking about the baby girl in Kindergarten! You have to stop them from growing up any more!! I miss you guys! I can't wait to meet Kenneth!

Love, "Shanny"

International Mommy said...

Still have these tickets.....!!
